Saturday, May 13, 2017

Our president Trump told us long ago, and many times, that his only moral is to win, to beat the other guy. We, on the other hand, see the presidency aspirationally - we expect our president to be capable of making the right decisions, and to have the desire to do so, i.e., to have a conscience guided by the basic moral principles acknowledged and embraced by a community of rational citizens. Trump has neither the capability nor the morality. Rather, he sees every situation as either a challenge to his person and possessions or an opportunity to advance himself or gain more possessions. To put it sharply, he is a sociopath. Meanwhile, the party of Lincoln watches quietly on the sidelines for its chance to do the only thing which animates it - to better the position of the winners in our society, the rich. It is sacrificing our common morality for more money for the moneyed people. Lincoln would be ashamed and angry. So should we.