Monday, September 14, 2009

time for a change in war strategy

President Obama does not need my advice, certainly. He seems to be making all the right decisions, with a few exceptions (for example, calling the Cambridge cop's actions "stupid"). But I think he's headed for much the same trouble into which Bush blundered : fighting a war for political reasons. On reflection of the facts as they exist now, the U.S. does not need to fight a war in Afghanistan. It might have in 2001, when our enemy, bin Laden, was there, but not now, when he isn't. A war to make some other culture function according to our expectations is a losing enterprise, and that seems to be our war goal - to create a sustainable democratic government in a market-economic society. For the umpteenth time in history : it is their country, their society, their culture, their problems, not ours. Our goal is the same as it's always been - to protect ourselves. We do not need to fight endless wars overseas to do so, for taken to its logical extreme our current approach will necessitate war until there is no one left to be a potential terrorist. Good for the war economy, but that's all it's good for, because it's not good for protecting us.

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