Monday, June 14, 2010

Irvin, R.I.P.

Johnny's dad, Irvin, died today. He was a fighter who enjoyed his life and got every drop of life out of it, long after many of us would have given up. He knew he was lucky to have married a woman as close to angelic as humanly possible, and to have spawned a large and utterly happy family. Indeed, his children are living testaments to his worth as a father; Johnny, for one, is one of the smartest, most honest, generous, well-adjusted and happy people I've ever known or will know. And, of course, Irv was a war hero. See Well done, Irvin, R.I.P. and my sincerest hearfelt sympathy to his family, his greatest accomplishment.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lowell, R.I.P.

I remember thinking in 1977 how relieved I was that my mother was to be remarried, after the chaos of 4 years (1973-1977) of solo stewardship of 3 wild teenaged sons. When she married Lowell and went to Scotland that year, she was happy and she had a renewed sense of enthusiasm for life. And she's had that since then. Lowell did that for her. He was a good man and he was good to her. Rest In Peace, Lowell, you earned and deserve our respect and God's.